Joseph Carrillo Promoting Wine Stroll April 2018

Famous Celebrity Promoting a Red Carpet Wine Stroll on April 28, 2018

Joseph W Carrillo Publicity Headshot
Joseph Carrillo Promoting Wine Stroll April 2018

Famous Celebrity Joseph Carrillo Promoting a Red Carpet Wine Stroll on April 28, 2018. inquiries - [email protected] Joseph Whitfield Carrillo (born June 11, 1989) is an American Singer-songwriter, who created the 2018 "Pop, A Cappella" LP album Ultimate Celebrity Blackout which went viral on social media sites. "Ultimate Celebrity Blackout" is about preventing media Blackouts and censorship while promoting free-speech and free-press. Carrillo has also released music videos which he starred in including "Don't Black Me Out" and "Don't Need School to be a Celebrity" he currently uploads videos on his YouTube channel about various topics including singing, and acting.

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Article published Article updated 2019-03-28
Ultimate Celebrity Blackout Album Cover